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About Me

My Story

My name is Siji, and I am deeply passionate about yoga and its transformative power. I have dedicated myself to the practice for 4+ years and have been fortunate to witness firsthand the incredible impact it can have on physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


My yoga journey began shortly after the birth of my first daughter. While it was an unplanned c-sec, I started incorporating Yoga into my life for building core strength and managing stress. From that to delivering my second daughter naturally, I am truly experienced the power of Yoga. From that moment, I knew I had found my calling and embarked on a path of deep exploration and learning. I aim to spread the knowledge.


I have completed extensive training and obtained certification as a yoga instructor, specializing in multiple styles of yoga including Hatha yoga, Power yoga and Yoga for Prenatal and postnatal mothers. This comprehensive training has equipped me with the knowledge and skills to guide students of all levels on their own unique yoga journeys.


As an instructor, my mission is to create a safe and nurturing space for students to explore and deepen their yoga practice. I believe in a holistic approach that encompasses not just the physical aspect of yoga but also the mental and spiritual dimensions. My classes focus on cultivating mindfulness, building strength and flexibility, and finding inner balance and peace.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, my classes are designed to meet you where you are and guide you towards your personal goals.


I believe that yoga is not just an exercise routine but a way of life. It is a practice that teaches us to be present, to cultivate self-awareness, and to embrace our truest selves. Through yoga, we can tap into our inner wisdom, find clarity amidst the chaos, and live with greater joy and authenticity.


I am excited to share my knowledge, passion, and love for yoga with you. Together, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and well-being. Join me on the mat, and let's create a vibrant community of individuals dedicated to nurturing their mind, body, and spirit through the beautiful practice of yoga.

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